Truth University
Application for Admission
A. Personal Information
1. Name: _____________________ (First)___________________ (Last)
2. Gender: ______(Male)______(Female)
3. Birth Date: ___________(Month)__________(Date)_________ (Year)
4. Birth Place: ________________(City)__________________ (Country)
5. Marital Status:___(single)____(married)____(widowed)____(divorced)
6. Address: ________________________________________________
7. e-mail Address:___________________________________________
8. Telephone: ________________(Home)____________________ (Cell)
9. Are you a Christian? ____(Yes) ____(No)
B. Academic Background
1. College: ____________________________________________ (Name)
Year Graduated: __________ Diploma: ______________
College: ___________________________________________ (Name)
Year Graduated: __________ Diploma:_______________
2. High School:_________________________________________ (Name)
Year Graduated: ___________Diploma:_______________
C. Working Experiences
1. ___________________________________________(Name of organization)
__________________________________________________ (Job Title)
2. __________________________________________ (Name of organization)
__________________________________________________(Job Title)
D. Degree Pursued
A.A. _________ B.Min. _________ M.Min._________ D.Min._________
Certificate Program ___________
E. Fee Schedule
1. USD $90/unit for A.A., B.Min. Degree Program
2. USD $110/unit for M.Min. Degree Program
3. USD $130/unit for D.Min. Degree Program
4. USD $60/unit for Certificate Program or for Auditing a class
F. Papers to be submitted
1. Application fee of USD$30 (USD$20 for Certificate Program)
2. Personal Testimonial
3. Transcripts of highest degree earned
4. Diploma of highest degree earned
5. Latest photo—2
Please send back the completed Application Form
to the following address:
11818 South Street, #206, Cerritos, CA 90703